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Quest Scientific was formed in 2002 as a distributor of laboratory equipment in KwaZulu Natal, for the SMM Instruments division of Set Point Technologies. In 2005 Quest Scientific was merged back into the company, but continued to manage the properties utilised by the branches.

As of the 1st March 2017, Quest Scientific is resuming its activities as a consumables and instrumentation supplier, of a range of products from a number of international suppliers.

Amoung the major industries served by the company are the following:  Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Mining, Agriculture, Academia, Medical and Governmental agencies, covering almost every area requiring analysis for quality control, research and development or environmental control.

Quest Scientific is being positioned as a focused supplier of analytical and equipment and consumables.  Our goal will be to maximise the potential of each of these ranges by growing our market share through a dedicated and experienced sales and service team.

The company will be headed by Mark Saunders, who left  the employ of SMM Instruments  in 2015, after 35 years of service. Mark has held positions in support, sales and management during his career. In addition he has  been a director since 1998 and was sole owner of his previous company from 2005 to 2014.

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